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What’s going on?

Updated: 20 July 2024

I email my list every now and then with a summary of the news and advance notice of special offers. If you’d like to be one of the first in the know, click here.

Hope Cove Writers’ Retreat

14-17 November 2024

The November 2023 retreat was enjoyed by all … and now it’s time to book for November 2024. Booking your accommodation ahead of time is essential.

  • Needing time away from everyday life, to make progress on a writing project?
  • Looking for good company, fellow writers, to help you to find your muse?
  • Excited by the prospect of a few days of unadulterated writing?

The Hope Cove Writers’ Retreat Weekend is designed for you!

Places limited to 12. Full details here.

RedPen Mentoring

Space within the RedPen Mentoring group is limited.

For details of what’s available, at what price, click here.

RedPen Editing

Keen to start editing?

You are welcome to join the RedPen Editing Facebook group where I post an editing tip every day ….

And you can learn all about my RedPen Editing cycle in my book: Editing the RedPen Way: 10 steps to successful self-editing.

Click here for details.

And my courses are available in my Shop.



For one-on-one help, book a 30-minute Zoom session with me via the RedPen Shop.

The recording of your one-on-one meeting will be available only to you. This is managed through a FaceBook group for just the two of us. After our session, you are welcome to ask further questions through that FB group.

Further details of how to book and what’s provided are here.

Dates for your diary


Via Zoom: Monday-Friday 9-10am BST

Two 25-minute writing sessions

Hello / Write / How’s it going / Write / Bye

Free to attend … write among friends. Full details here.

Artists on Air

Join the Rainbow On The Radio FB group for full details and the opportunity a) to share details of artist dates you are promoting and b) to suggest questions I should put to my guest(s).

Stephen Baird

2024/25 Programme of guests

PLAYBACK: 20 May Christine Cooke17 June Nigel Grist;  15 July Vicky Hadland


Kerry Hadley-Pryce

These Zoom workshops are hosted by me, Anne Rainbow, and presented by novelist Kerry Hadley-Pryce, a creative writing lecturer at Wolverhampton University who specialises in psychogeography.

10am-1pm BST (ie UK time). £30/class.

Remaining dates for 2024 (topics to be decided early in September):

  • 25 September / 6 November / 4 December

Full details here.

TALKING SHOP 30 October 2024: 3.30-6pm

Approximately every three months, a Zoom meeting hosted by me, an opportunity to discuss the pros and cons of self-publishing and to share experiences to date. The next meeting is scheduled for 30 October. Meanwhile, join the Facebook group here. We share information and support each other in our publishing journey.


If you’d like to thank me for any help I’ve given, you can always treat me to a virtual cup of coffee.

Links: in case you missed them …

Article written by Jennifer Chen and published in Writer’s Digest.Anne Rainbow, interviewed about her use of Scrivener.

I have a short story called The Shell Necklace in this anthology. It’s based at Harlyn Bay, a place close to my heart in many ways.

Click here for the Kindle and paperback version via Amazon.


Read all about my short life lessons on the World Class Performer’s website.

In discussion with Jo Parfitt on 2 July

Using Scrivener for Memoir, Fiction and Non-Fiction: click here to see the recording.

In discussion with Jo Parfitt on 4 June

60 mins talking about Story Arcs and Themes in Fiction and Memoir – and answering questions. Hosted by Jo Parfitt.

To see the slides, click here. To watch the recording, click here.

In discussion with Jo Parfitt on 7 May

60 mins talking about editing – and Scrivener – and answering questions. Hosted by Jo Parfitt. Click here for the recording. 
Jo Parfitt recording

Scrivener 101

On 21 April, I spent an hour with Lisa Lepki (Director of Marketing at ProWritingAid) presenting my slides on how to get started in Scrivener, how to use Scrivener when editing/publishing, and answering questions.

Join the ProWritingAid Facebook group to view the recording.


Interviews on SoundArt radio

Christine Cooke and I visited Dartington to talk about Wednesday Writers with Dave Clarke ( on SoundArt radio . You can listen to that interview here.

Autumn 2019, I was interviewed by Dave Clarke and we talked about writers’ retreats. You can listen to that interview here.

Guest interview on JoinedUpWriting podcast #88 16 October 2018

Hanieh Vidmar interviewing me about how and when to write your book. Click here to listen.

Brace yourself for the very excited Marc Guberti interviewing me about NaNoWriMo! Click here to listen.

Guest interview on the JoinedUpWriting podcast.Joined Up Writing Podcast

Guest posts

A guest post on the NaNo blog. Click here.

A guest post on Dan Buri’s NothingAnyGood website.Dan Buri Guest Post