Steve Shipley

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Steve Shipley Scrivener on the go Scrivener for iOSSteve Shipley, my guest in March 2017, is a writer, publisher, Scrivener trainer and author of the Udemy course Scrivener for iOS.

Scrivener for iOS courseSteve has been a Scrivener fan for many years now. As an early beta tester for Scrivener for iOS, he saw how to use it similarly and differently from the desktop versions.

Steve wanted to make sure people were comfortable using Scrivener on their iPads and iPhones, so he created his two-hour training course on how to get the most out of it, regardless if we only use Scrivener for iOS or also use it in conjunction with a desktop version. (He spends 80% of his time with Scrivener on his iPad, 10% on his iPhone and the remaining 10% still on his desktop.)

Steve has written two books and scriptwriting stage plays, all using Scrivener. Wine Sense, co-written with Deanna Lang is available as a paperback or as a Kindle version.

You can find Steve Shipley on Twitter as @shipleyaust.

Steve is also online with his website for InkIT Publishing, as InkIT Publishing on Facebook, and as @inkitpub on Twitter.