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Use footnotes for notes to yourself Scrivener's auto numbering during Compile is not confined to chapters, or parts, acts and scenes, or tables and figures, etc. Scrivener supports two notes streams - inline and Inspector linked footnotes - either of which can be used to form endnotes and the numbering of these are also handled during the Compile process. Once they are output via Compile, the note streams only differ in position: Footnotes...

This is the second of a series of posts introducing the topic of messaging in Scrivener And today's post is all about footnotes. Essentially, there are four options for messaging: 1 Annotations 2 Footnotes 3 Comments 4 Project and document notes Depending on what you are trying to achieve, choosing the best of these could make life easier for you in the long run, so learning about all four makes sense. What are footnotes? Traditionally,...