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Time for casting! Choosing my favourite actors is one of the many pleasures of embarking on a new novel. I also enjoy 'inventing' each character. I give them names. I decide their hopes and dreams. Also, I identify their strengths and weaknesses. Every character needs a secret, and only I will decide what it is and if and when the other characters might discover it. Wonderful sense of power! How does Scrivener help with my casting? Unlike...

I use Scrivener – for all my writing projects. Why? Because it makes me feel I am in control. Correction: I am in control! Why use Scrivener for NaNo2018?  A good question! There are four quick answers: Scrivener will make the planning of my novel, ahead of the first day of writing on, 1 November, easier. The planning that I do will make the writing during NaNo2018 a doddle. Enjoyable. An indulgence! Editing – beginning next February/March –...

Ready to Rock? NaNo2018 is only seven weeks away and this time will fly by, so – if you are keen to use Scrivener for NaNo2018 – now is the time to start learning how. What is NaNo? NaNo, short for NaNoWriMo, is the  National Novel Writers Month. Writers all over the world spend the 30 days of November writing the first 50K words of their novel. Some aim higher. 80K. 100K! The NaNoWriMo website doors are already...