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Chapter titles and numbering! Because Scrivener offers so much flexibility and gives you so many options to choose between, sometimes you may feel overwhelmed by it all. My advice is to leave the defaults as they are and, only if you feel the need to change something, should you start to explore what options are open to you. So, let's explore today's topic: Chapter titles and numbering ...

If you've never considered using Scrivener for writing your blog post, think again! Scrivener is not just for novel writing; I use Scrivener for EVERYTHING, especially for my blog and social media engagement. Here are my 5 top reasons why. 1: All in one place I have just one file for each writing project. Neat. Tidy. There's one for my RedPen book: EDITING The RedPen Way: 10 steps to successful self-editing - and one for each of the three...

Today’s post continues to explore the short story strategy and, in particular, how to set up a header line for each page. As per my blog post of 23 April, you will have used the Scrivener short story template to set up your project for a short story destined to be a competition entry. From my blog post of 29 April, you know how to control pagination within the Compile options, so that...

Today's post continues to explore the short story strategy And, in particular, how to control line spacing. As per my blog post of 23 April, you will have used the Scrivener short story template to set up your project for a short story destined to be a competition entry. Then, from my blog post of 29 April, you know how to control pagination within the compile options, so that your entry is anonymous. Today, in...

A flash, a short story, a novel: Whatever you are writing, and especially if for a competition, it makes sense to have a strategy. I've been asked to judge the Erewash 2017 Open Short Story. So, in this series of posts, I'm focusing on what strategy you might use to enter such a competition. Short story competitions: why enter? Entering short story competitions - and winning! - is one way to gain recognition as a...

Recently, I was interviewed by Wayne and Leah of JoinedUp Writing for their podcast series and one of the topics we discussed is how Scrivener can be used from blank page to published manuscript. Blank page to published manuscript: the commissioned route If you are commissioned to write a book, the publisher employs an editor and a proofreader and a typesetter and a cover designer, etc and 'all' you do is write...

Welcome, Patsy Collins! My nag buddy, Patsy, is no stranger to RedPenners. And she has been my guest on this blog before, back in April 2016. As I'm currently focusing on formatting, I asked Patsy to share her thoughts on this topic, particularly as she's just published a new collection of short stories: No Family Secrets.   Don't you just love the cover? Inside are 25 stories dedicated to her 10 cousins.   Have you noticed how,...

Today's the day - NaNoWriMo starts at midnight Let's start tonight! Before that? A Simply Scrivener Special The Simply Scrivener Special webinars will continue throughout November. There's one TODAY at noon. Click here to register your place. What we talk about depends on who comes and what questions are included in the questionnaire. Click here to complete yours. Then? For the month of November, my focus will be on writing that novel. So as not to bore...