
Home > Writing  > NANO  > 50K … phew!

50K ... phew! (NanoWrimo) | ScrivenerVirgin

As I typed the final few words, closing in on my 50K target, a sadness came across me. NANO2015 would soon be over; but then … great joy as I zoomed past and slipped effortlessly through the validation process.

WINNER!It’s been a busy month, writing nearly every day: a pure indulgence. However, that has to stop, and I need to get back to ‘real life’and to re-engage with friends and family in the run up to Christmas.

Looking at my stats, I can identify three dodgy patches in all. So I needed three ‘awesome’ days to catch up, and then – on the 24th – a spurt ahead to be sure I’d finish with time to spare.

StatsFrankly, thanks to Scrivener and my outline, it was my easiest NaNoWriMo. I was never stuck for ideas, wondering what to do next. In tune with my outline and my revised outline, I wrote what I wanted to write when I wanted to write it. My creative side had a ball, and the planner in me came along for the ride.

I have 50K of words, mostly dialogue – which is how every story comes to me – with thousands of typos to fix, hundreds of notes to myself to address, and much punctuation to apply. There is also still a lot more to write before my story is truly told, and I face a big editing exercise, but it’s manageable.

Having achieved what I set out to do, I’ve now closed my Safari Supper Scrivener file and won’t open it again until February. That’s my plan!

On 1 December, I’m hosting three TGIO webinars: 2pm, 6pm and 9.30pm. On the agenda:

  • Celebration time
  • What to do after NANO
  • Editing!
  • Self-publishing?

If you would like an invite,  click here.

The ScrivenerVirgin blog is a journey of discovery:
a step-by-step exploration of how Scrivener can change how a writer writes.
To subscribe to this blog, click here.

Also … checkout the Scrivener Tips
on my ScrivenerVirgin Facebook page.

  • Patsy

    2 December 2015 at 22:45

    Well done to both of you.

  • Enid

    27 November 2015 at 21:30

    Yippee managed to finish and well done Anne for doing the same. See you at the end of Nano party.

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