
Home > RedPen  > RedPen Editing  > Launch of EDITING The RedPen Way (Promotion this weekend)
EDITING The RedPen Way | ScrivenerVirgin

 EDITING The RedPen Way - Launch | ScrivenerVirgin

My book launch for EDITING The RedPen Way

Last Tuesday went brilliantly. I’m still giddy from all the excitement.

Hundreds of copies were downloaded and many of you have signed up for RedPen. Welcome!

I’ve had excellent reviews too. All 5 star! Here’s an extract from just one of them.

A masterclass in self-editing
… this book trains your brain as well as your pen, explaining how to move from the author to the editor mindset and then walking you through what to do when you get there.

Promotion this weekend

If you have yet to download your copy, this weekend my Kindle book EDITING The RedPen Way is on special offer.

  • UK readers can download for just 99p.
  • US readers can download for 99c.

It’s also available in many other countries. Click either of the two links above and then navigate to the Amazon branch of your choice.

If you belong to Kindle Unlimited, it’s free for you.EDITING The RedPen Way | ScrivenerVirgin

Launch webinar: Monday 12 September 2-4pm British summer time

I’m repeating the launch webinar on Monday. Click here to book your seat.

This two-hour Proof of Pudding workshop is part of the RedPen Training programme – and usually, you’d have to be with a paid subscription to receive an invite. But, on this special occasion, everyone is welcome to attend.

What’s on the agenda for the webinar?

As with all the Proof of Pudding workshops, we take the journey from the first draft to published book. I walk you through the RedPen system and explain how it can work for you.

For EDITING The RedPen Way, I also go back to why I wrote it, and the circumstances that led to its publication. I explain how it was edited, the schedule I followed and answer all your questions.

Don’t delay. Start now!

One question asked last Tuesday was ‘Would you alter any of the timescales next time around?’. My answer was: I’d have joined the Self-Publishing School sooner.

The reason why my book was written and published within 90 days is simple. Chandler Bolt and his team at SPS have it sewn up. You follow their schedule. It happens.

My interview with Vee Freir on 6 June, in which she told RedPenners about her writing/publishing journey with SPS, convinced me I had to follow her lead. So I did!

Vee’s book Learn to Stress Less provides 50 tips – all of which help you to reduce your stress levels – perfect for the run up to a book launch.

If you’d like to watch a recording of the interview with Vee, click here.

What’s next?

Another of the questions asked last Tuesday was ‘Will this Kindle book be released as a paperback? If so, when?’

To find out the answer to this and other questions, come along on Monday.

If the timing doesn’t suit, register anyway as I’ll be sending the recording to everyone who registers, whether you attend or not.

I post occasionally on RedPen topics within the ScrivenerVirgin blog.
To subscribe to this blog, click here.

Also … check out the RedPen Editing Tips
on my ScrivenerVirgin Facebook page.

1 Comment
  • Patsy

    10 September 2016 at 16:46

    congratulations on the well deserved success so far – I’m sure you’ll get lots more downloads and positive reviews.

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