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Document Variables have occupied this space for several months of this year: We started 2024 with Placeholders: Introduction to Document Variables In February, it was Placeholders: Title as a Document Variable Then, we had Placeholders: Label, Status, Keywords and Synopsis Then Placeholders: Statistics as a Document Variable And Placeholders: Date/Time as a Document Variable We have two loose ends to tidy up before we can draw a line under Document Variables. Then,...

Post amended: 17 August 2019, to include the autogeneration of a ToC! An ebook needs a dynamic contents list The process of setting up a table of contents (TOC) is straightforward! First, you have two choices: Let Scrivener do it for you Do it yourself Letting Scrivener do it for you When you choose ebook from the output options, an additional icon appears in the right-hand pane. The default setting is that Scrivener generates the...

This week, I’ve been focusing on Scrivener Links. On Tuesday, I explained how to create Scrivener Links that allow a reader to jump from one part of my ebook or Kindle version to another. On Thursday, the focus was on Scrivener Links that take the reader to a website. This posting tackles how to set up the links within the table of contents (TOC). Table of Contents (TOC) All books need a table...