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A Monday is as good a day as any for planning decisions: for the week ahead, or further into your future. Ideally, whatever you plan, your goals should be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. There are other suggestions as to what the five letters of SMART might represent: S - sensible, significant, simple, strategic, stretching M - maintainable, manageable, meaningful, motivating A - acceptable, accountable, achievable, action-oriented, agreed, ambitious, assignable R - realistic, reasonable, recorded, resourced, results-oriented,...

The secret of winning NANO - going through that 50K barrier before time runs out on day 30 - boils down to setting goals and meeting targets. On the NANO site, each time you enter your word-count-to-date, a bar chart tells you how you're progressing. If you're on schedule, writing your 1666 words per day,  it's good to see today's column above the target line. If you're slipping behind, it can...