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Ever felt like kicking yourself | ScrivenerVirgin

For years, I’ve had the Scrivener software on my computer, but not found time to use it until now.

Why not? On first sight, this sophisticated package looked so complicated, even IT-savvy me was put off. Writer friends were raving about how brilliant Scrivener was, how it transformed their writing, but I wasn’t listening.

Why now? Fate intervened. A friend sent me a link to a video demo. Tempted to watch, I was amazed by Scrivener’s power and potential.

Boy, did I feel like kicking myself!

All those draft NaNoWriMo novels, in Word, and my research notes in a state of total disarray!

This November, I’ll be writing my sixth NaNoWriMO novel and I will most definitely be using Scrivener software. I might even change from being a pantser to a plotter. Who knows!

So, as the ScrivenerVirgin, in the next few weeks, I’ll be reporting on my incredibly steep but enjoyable learning curve, mastering all that Scrivener software has to offer to us writers.

Tomorrow, I’ll be listing some things I’ve discovered so far and like most about Scrivener.

Want to join me? If you’ve had Scrivener software on your computer but never got to grips with it, this is your chance to hitch a ride. You’re planning to take part in NaNoWriMo 2015, you too could be writing your next novel in Scrivener software. If the existence of Scrivener is news to you, I beg you to check it out – it could change your life!

If you are on a Mac like me, click on this link for more details. Scrivener is also available for a Windows platform.


The ScrivenerVirgin blog is a journey of discovery:
a step-by-step exploration of how Scrivener can change how a writer writes.
To subscribe to this blog, click here.

Also … check out the Scrivener Tips
on my ScrivenerVirgin Facebook page.

Acknowledgement: © Lpstudio | – 3d man sitting on the floor and reading a book with exclamation
  • Amanda

    28 January 2016 at 13:45

    I have the PC version of Scrivener and while it is really great in many ways, the fact that is has a LOT of features missing compared to the Mac version, drives me insane. Today, I did an export of a file to Kindle version and despite the fact that in the original the letters after numbers in dates (like th in 5th etc) were NOT superscripted, Scrivener insisted on superscripting them and using the same size font, making them look dreadful! I can’t find how to stop this and the Help and Scrivener for Dummies book are based on the Mac version and not much help at all…
    Anyone else finding the PC version frustrating?

      • Amanda

        28 January 2016 at 15:00

        I genuinely cannot find the settings and find the whole PC version infuriating in the export. Writing is great – but the export function is so clunky and I’ve been through every menu to try and find these superscripts and the settings, to no avail!
        I’ve got the nd, th etc in (at least for some of it) because they are above diary entries relating to 1920s and although it would look cleaner without them, I’m not sure it would be authentic.
        Thanks for trying to help!

    • R.D. Shipley

      9 March 2021 at 00:04

      Indeed. I do use the windows version. It is powerful, compared to word or anything of that nature. That said, it is like parachuting into the Congo in one’s boxers; you are at the mercy of a force which you have no control over. I suppose I will have to purchase a Mac at some point. I have admired them since I saw the Lisa, but felt the price prohibitive for the software I ran. Now it seems quite different. My publishing software is the key program I wish to run now. Perhaps when version 3 comes out for Windows things will improve. I certainly hope so. If not then the soon to update Mac may require consideration. I have one novel completed and another I am starting. I need to epub, but it is like creating a Rube Goldberg.
      I begin to see why no one has written much on how to make things work on the PC…

  • Stuart Lennon

    28 September 2015 at 09:50

    Well – I have taken the plunge and bought Scrivener. Took on part of the tutorial today – and my head hurts! I will persevere though.

  • Patsy

    13 September 2015 at 12:23

    We never know whether these things will help or not until we try them, do we?

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