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Awesome! (Writing novel) | ScrivenerVirgin

We had guests this weekend so we’ve been doing the touristy bit: taking in local sights despite the dreadful weather, and generally chilling out.

No time to write!

Our friends left late this afternoon and I was faced with a word count of 8801 – how I left my Safari Supper novel on Day 5 – marginally ahead of schedule then, but woefully behind for Day 8.

So I had an AWESOME time

– writing for 20 minutes, going and doing something else, coming back to my computer and writing for another 20 mins, and so on until I had hit 13387, enough to get above that line again. 4586 words in one day!

End of Day 8

If you are falling behind, have an AWESOME day. Get back on target!

It can be done. I did it. You can do it.

If you’d like to attend my free MIDWAY webinars on Sunday 15 November, there are three-time slots: 10.30am, 2pm and 8pm. If you would like an invite to these and subsequent webinars – all NANO related – click here.

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  • Stuart Lennon

    9 November 2015 at 10:39

    Nice work! Back on the curve.

  • Patsy

    9 November 2015 at 10:33

    I need an awesome week!

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