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Scrivener can count for you. I've blogged about this before as evidenced in my Index of Scrivener posts. When you click Help and select List of Placeholders, 17 placeholders are listed under Auto-numbering. In this post, I'll cover the simplest group: those listed first. Then, in the next post, we'll go deeper: Hierarchical numbering Restarting numbering Using and restarting named auto-numbering streams Compound placeholders Making placeholders more readable I already explained how...

Throw away that calculator! In previous posts, we've looked at numbering of chapters and then numbering of parts, acts and scenes. In this post, my focus in on tables - not only how to number them automatically, but also how to cross refer to them in your text. Ready? Placeholders and named auto numbering Placeholders are tags which, during compilation are replaced with actual numbers. Scrivener does the counting for you. The tag starts with...

You can count on Scrivener One of the most-asked questions when compiling is about chapter numbering. For many, this proves to be a stumbling block. So, today, I'm explaining all - and much else about Scrivener's auto-numbering feature. There are a host of numbering options, and they are activated using 'placeholders'. These are essentially 'tags' which are replaced during the Compile process for actual data. A complete list is available via the...