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Revision mode is Scrivener's TrackChanges Editors who are Scrivener lovers but using Word and the TrackChanges facility to provide feedback to their clients should be delighted to discover Scrivener's Revision Mode. Together with Annotations, it replicates the functionality of TrackChanges. Authors keen to self-publish will also be delighted if/when editors provide editorial services in Scrivener, instead of the current 'industry standard' Word. This post explains the process for the editor and, then, how...

Every editor has their own way of working I'm sharing how I work, wearing my 'developmental editor's hat', with authors who plan to self-publish, many of whom are new to the publishing process. I use Scrivener for all my writing and, if that's what the authors in my RedPen Mentoring group choose as their writing environment, I provide editing services for them in Scrivener. I'm hoping some editors will consider providing the same...