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An image can paint a thousand words, so they say. [caption id="attachment_10820" align="alignright" width="495"] An image within a text document[/caption] And there are several circumstances where you might consider including images in a Scrivener project. An image within a text document An image in a character brief An image for a book cover Sourcing your images There are several sources of images. You might take a photo using your camera, iPhone or IPad and upload it...

Collaborative working. In my case, initially, that means me-today trying to collaborate with me-yonks-ago. Let me explain! I’ve finished NaNoWriMo for another year and put that effort aside. I won’t start editing again until February at the earliest. Even then, I’ll probably work on one of my backlog of NaNo novels rather than the current one. Because I pick up and put down novels – and have several on the go at the same...