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Scrivener provides a palette of section layouts Scrivener provides a palette of section layouts, so you have an array of formatting possibilities at your fingertips. Once you have set up your sections types (or accepted Scrivener's default settings) as per the previous post, then it's time to assign a section layout to each section type. From File / Compile, depending on the project format you chose when you first set up your project,...

In this mini-series of posts. I focus on three aspects of compiling: Last time it was output options. This time: section types Next time: placeholders, headers and footers I've already published a series of posts on compiling with Scrivener 3, that I recommend you read: Compiling with Scrivener 3: An Introduction Compiling with Scrivener 3: Outputting to PDF Compiling with Scrivener 3: Section layout assignment Compiling with Scrivener 3: Text tidying...