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This is the fourth of several blog posts which focus on Document Variables. In the previous three: Placeholders: Introduction to Document Variables considered the extent of these placeholders and provided an introduction to this topic Placeholders: Title as a Document Variable looked at Title and ParentTitle Placeholders: Label, Status, Keywords and Synopsis explained these four most important meta data items and how to include them in a compile ...

Inspector skills on parade! The Inspector panel have five icons. The most recent two blogposts in this Inspector Skills series have covered items 1, 2 and 3. 1 Notes and  3 Metadata in the Inspector Skills: Metadata post 2 bookmarks in the Inspector Skills: Bookmarks post This post looks at the last two icons. 4 Snapshots 5 Comments and Footnotes Snapshots Snapshots is another one of those tools you can live without until you discover...

Every editor has their own way of working I'm sharing how I work, wearing my 'developmental editor's hat', with authors who plan to self-publish, many of whom are new to the publishing process. I use Scrivener for all my writing and, if that's what the authors in my RedPen Mentoring group choose as their writing environment, I provide editing services for them in Scrivener. I'm hoping some editors will consider providing the same...