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Meet Desiree Villena: a human VA In recent blogposts, I've referred to ProWritingAid as an editing VA (virtual assistant). My guest today is a real VA, Desiree Villena. Desiree is a blog writer for Reedsy, the online marketplace that connects self-publishing authors with the world’s best editors, designers, and marketers. On Reedsy, Desiree also offers her services as a proofreader. Reedsy publish many excellent articles and this one on 'how to edit a book' is...

Step 7: Structure and Balance I've reached the stage where I've done enough scene splitting, allocating titles, writing scene synopses, and assigning metadata for Label and Status, that I am itching to start creating chapters so that I can address step 7 of the RedPen Editing cycle: Structure and balance. Creating chapters already? What happened to steps 5 and 6? Well spotted! In a previous post, I reached step 4 (Study the content) and that...

Step 7 of the Red Pen Editing cycle is to check structure and balance. The standard structure for a story is beginning / middle / end. Where one ends and the next starts is important. Within each, you'll have paragraphs and, within those, sentences. Paragraphs need to be not too short and not too long. Sentences: ditto. And you need transitions to take the reader from one to the next ...