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Scrivener Plus Points #2 (I feel like I am in control) | ScrivenerVirgin

Using Scrivener: Three plus points

#1: Everything is in one place. (Read Here)


#2: I feel like I am in control.

Being in control is essential for those of us proud to ‘suffer’ from  OCD. I need to see my novel on lots of levels: from the top down, from the bottom up, from each character’s point of view, and from the reader’s perspective too.

The binder panel sits to the left of my screen and, beneath the folders for the manuscript itself, within the Research folder, I can see my cast of players:

Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 14.29.37

Probably too many characters – but I can kill off a few – or merge them – during editing!

Now: the body of the screen. Scrivener is so useful when plotting. The corkboard option gives an overview, of example, of the scenes within one chapter. It’s simple to move scenes around, rather than cut and paste within Word. I can add new scenes too, until the plot points are all present and correctly sequenced – electronically, not using post-its on my office wall.

Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 14.20.49While I’m working on an individual scene, I’m doubly blessed. Instead of the cork board overview, I choose the text to view but can also refer to notes on a particular character at the same time, using a split screen. Or, the right-hand pane can show the location. Or my timeline, or a web page I’ve saved within my Research folder. So helpful!

Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 14.40.19I like editing at the best of times. I enjoy the discipline of taming those unruly words which spring from me during moments of creativity.  Right now, though, tussling with my normal calm demeanour, there’s a mounting tension. With Scrivener, I am so in charge of the process and yet (almost uncontrollably) excited!

Tomorrow, I’ll reveal my #3 Plus Point. 

Meanwhile, if you have yet to download Scrivener … here’s that Mac link again.

Buy Scrivener 2 for Mac OS X (Regular Licence)

And the one for Windows: Buy Scrivener for Windows (Regular Licence)

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Acknowledgment: © Artistashmita studio | – Points
  • Patsy

    13 September 2015 at 14:58

    Do you ever write in extra characters so you can kill them off in editing? I’m not saying I’ve ever done such a thing, but I can imagine it might be therapeutic.

    Who am I kidding – I do it all the time. One person has died 27 times this year.

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