
Home > Scrivener  > Point of view

This week I’ve been working on an Editing tutorial for my RedPenners.

I’m developing a one-hour presentation to deliver as a webinar, all about ‘point of view’.

Where to start? Always, always, with ‘research’.

I Google ‘point of view’ and there are hundreds of articles to read. I am away from home with limited, slow and unreliable Internet access. I’ll need to read these articles offline.

Background reading

I set up the necessary folders in Scrivener.

I have two webinars already: one on ‘Punctuation‘ and another on ‘Show versus tell‘. The point of view is number 3. I copy and paste the text from all articles that look, at first sight, interesting enough to read. Soon I have 36,273 words to study at my leisure!

The next step is to make a copy of this text file, so I have one to work on and one as a backup. Right click on the entry in the binder, and instead of ‘Add’, choose ‘Duplicate’.


Screen Shot 2016-01-01 at 11.09.22

The duplicated document has the same name – with ‘copy’ appended.



I rename this ‘POV slideshow’.

Screen Shot 2016-01-01 at 11.09.51

Now, I’m almost ready to start my research reading, and creating the text for my slides.

Screen Shot 2016-01-01 at 11.12.09

What would be really useful is to have sight of both the slides and the research material?

Horizontal split

Scrivener to the rescue …

Select View / Layout / Split horizontally.




Now, I can read the material in the lower pane and write in the upper pane.

split screen

I’m still working on this. As I read and absorb the research material, I delete that text. I’m down to 34,815 words now but, of that, 1766 are in my embryonic slideshow/notes. Only another 33K to read!

While many of the articles offer examples – which are interesting – within my one-hour editing tutorial my focus has to be on understanding the terminology and appreciating the importance of making the right decision before embarking on a novel.

Of course, I’m not copying other writers’ material; I’m just gleaning information from their articles – the facts, or perceived wisdom, about POV. What I deliver to my RedPenners will be my take on POV in literature.

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  • Patsy

    2 January 2016 at 15:42

    Interesting topic – and one I think is changing. It now seems far more acceptable to have multiple POVs even in short stories.

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