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Asking for feedback (ProWritingAid) | ScrivenerVirgin

Step 10!

The last step of the Red Pen Editing cycle … before you start all over again.

Having scrubbed and polished every word until it shines, it’s time to invite others to comment on your masterpiece.

Who will you ask?

Only last week on Twitter, the regular Wednesday evening #writingchat crowd considered the thorny topic of ‘how to evaluate feedback/critique on your writing from various sources’.

One conversation thread discussed who is best to ask: friends who are not writers, friends who are writers, writers who are not your frienStep 10ds (!), people in your face-to-face writing group, people who belong to your online writer’s groups, a paid reviewer … and so on. The list is almost endless.

The fact is: the feedback you receive will depend on the experience of the reviewer.

If you approach an avid reader of your genre, you might expect useful feedback on whether you are hitting the mark. At the other end of the spectrum, if you employ a professional editor, you’d expect not only notes on what’s wrong but also guidance as to how to fix any problems.

In my Ria View writers group, we are a motley crew. Each person focuses on different aspects of the writing, according to their own experience, as a reader and as a writer. Every snippet of feedback is useful and valid.

So, ask whoever you can, and be grateful for each and every insight your reviewers provide.

And … offer to review for other writers too. Is it only fair?

Where does ProWritingAid fit into the ‘Ask for Feedback’ stage?

Clearly, you won’t be editing while waiting for feedback. What you could be doing is browsing through some of the articles on the ProWritingAid blog!

You can search by categories:

  • Grammar rules
  • How to use ProWritingAid
  • The writing process
  • Writing Apps

The most popular articles are also listed so you can see what other writers are reading.

And, if you are reviewing someone else’s work, you could run their text through ProWritingAid?

ProWritingAid works with Scrivener

This is post 9 of my series looking at how ProWritingAid works with Scrivener.

Why not join me on my journey?  If you’d like to trial ProWritingAid and work alongside me in exploring its features, click on any ProWritingAid link on this page.

And? There’s more?
  • ProWritingAid offer a free eBook for you to download.
  • If you’re interested in learning more about the Red Pen Editing cycle, my book is available on Amazon, only £2.99.

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