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Project formats lead the way This blog post is the final one in a series all pointing to the fact that the role of a project format is to provide one of your many routes out of Compile. For a single manuscript, you can set up numerous project formats, each one serving a different purpose and/or a different end recipient. Here, I explain how, referring back to the previous posts which provide...

Links are also known as hyperlinks Scrivener links are available as internal links (to another place in your book) or external links (to a website). NB there are other options, but this post is 'keeping it simple'. Internal links Internal links allow the reader to leap from one place in your book to another, and only make sense if you are producing an eBook or outputting to PDF or Kindle. If your end product...

Post amended: 17 August 2019, to include the autogeneration of a ToC! An ebook needs a dynamic contents list The process of setting up a table of contents (TOC) is straightforward! First, you have two choices: Let Scrivener do it for you Do it yourself Letting Scrivener do it for you When you choose ebook from the output options, an additional icon appears in the right-hand pane. The default setting is that Scrivener generates the...

eBook is short for electronic book The process of outputting to an ebook format is similar to that used for a PDF, but with a few distinct differences. Set up a new format and save in My Formats You will repeat this process (or something very similar) for each new format: Select File / Compile Click on the PDF format under My Formats Click on the + sign and choose Duplicate & Edit...

I've not posted in a while, but I have a great excuse: I've been busy compiling with Scrivener and now have three versions of the same manuscript: EDITING The RedPen Way. I've learnt much much more about the power of Scrivener in the past three weeks, but the best bit (there are so many best bits!) is the flexibility of output. I explain below why I had three different forms of output, and I'll...