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Scrivenings = writing It's interesting that Literature & Latte chose this term; Scrivenings is a now obsolete English term for writing. To me, it indicates a return to the old style of publishing: Write the words and create galley proofs Proofread Incorporate figures and tables, and paginate Proofread the page layout (ie check the formatting) Publish So, rather than focus on the product - the paged output - the writer focuses on the...

Feedback - where the fun starts! Processing feedback. What's the best strategy? How can you avoid editing overwhelm? When your editor returns your Scrivener project file, where should you start? There may be feedback all over the place. In a covering letter As comments in the Inspector In the text itself, as Annotations or colouring (Revision mode, or highlighted words) A strategy for processing feedback without editing overwhelm It's up to you what you...