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It's all about the Outliner! The Editing pane can show your Scrivenings, your Corkboard or your Outliner view. In a previous post, I looked at the bottom line of the Scrivenings; in last week's post, I focused on the Corkboard view. Today, it’s all about the Outliner view. The Outliner bottom line: comparing Scrivener 3 with Scrivener 2 In Scrivener 2, the Outline bottom line looks like this. In Scrivener 3, it's the same functionality on the left...

Scrivener provides comprehensive Search options. This series of posts will look at all of Scrivener's search options in detail. First though: an introduction. Three types of search tool There are essentially three types of search tool on offer: Project searches allow you to find instances of particular words or phrases within the whole project, subject to choices you make about where you want the search to happen, and how fussy you are about what is...

Yesterday, I took a quick walk through the first six of the Compilation Options: Contents, Separators, Cover, Formatting, Title Adjustments, and Layout. Compilation options, Part 2 Today, I am looking at the other seven. There's nothing too exciting - or scary - but, before we start studying compiling options in detail, it's worth noting what these cover. Tomorrow, I'll explain what to do to your manuscript before you select Compile for the first...

I won't pretend that the Compile feature is simple; it's incredibly complicated. That's the 'bad' news. Compilation options, Part 1 What's the good news? The good news is that most settings are already as you might want them, so you only need to fine-tune them. And, the complexity level simply means it's incredibly powerful. There are 13 (unlucky for some?) sections (called tabs) in the Compilation Options list. What follows is a quick walk through...