page numbering Tag

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Scrivener can count for you. I've blogged about this before as evidenced in my Index of Scrivener posts. When you click Help and select List of Placeholders, 17 placeholders are listed under Auto-numbering. In this post, I'll cover the simplest group: those listed first. Then, in the next post, we'll go deeper: Hierarchical numbering Restarting numbering Using and restarting named auto-numbering streams Compound placeholders Making placeholders more readable I already explained how...

I promised, for this series, to present the most useful placeholders first, and THE MOST useful is <$p> which is replaced with a page number when you compile. Simply: page numbers There are only three placeholders listed in the Page Numbers section. <$p> <$p-r> or <$P-R> <$pagecount> Should you be using one or more of these placeholders? Yes! For any document over two pages long, it's essential to number the pages, at least for...

Post amended: 17 August 2019, to include the autogeneration of a ToC! An ebook needs a dynamic contents list The process of setting up a table of contents (TOC) is straightforward! First, you have two choices: Let Scrivener do it for you Do it yourself Letting Scrivener do it for you When you choose ebook from the output options, an additional icon appears in the right-hand pane. The default setting is that Scrivener generates the...

Compiling is a straightforward process! Compiling is the final step in the self-publishing sequence. For many, it poses the greatest challenge - there are so many options, and the route to producing precisely what you want seems like a labyrinth at first sight. However, Scrivener offers so much in the way of default settings, you could produce something that's OKAY, without having to understand every nook and cranny of the options available...