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Ideas are precious Many years ago, six to be precise, I saw a television programme featuring Ian Rankin, in which he explained his writing process: one book per year and each one start with Ian flicking through the contents of a green folder. This manilla folder is full of ideas he's collected in the past year. Clever idea! You can read all about Ian's methods here. Using Scrivener to collect ideas Ideas can come at any...

  2.5 days to go With only 2.5 days left before we can actually start to write, let's check we are all tooled up. 3 essential tools The three essential tools for me are composition mode, annotations and backing up. Tooled up: Composition mode Scrivener offers the option to dive into composition mode, which clears the screen of everything but the piece I am writing. Perfect writing conditions. (you choose your own wallpaper!) For Scrivener 2 users, this blog post explains...

Time for the Kick-OFF! This week is a Kick-Off week for NaNoWriMo. When you sign up to the NaNoWriMo site and choose your region, you’ll find you have an ML – and that person is responsible for organizing meetings before, during and after NaNo. I’m ML for Europe :: England :: Cornwall. Tracey is our co-ML and she lives in Truro so you'll see more of her than me, maybe. What is the KICK-OFF? The KO (short for...

Outlining is best done using the Corkboard in Scrivener Each to their own, but, when I start writing a novel, I like using Scrivener from the outset, for the outlining stage. I know other writers who start on paper and, only when they can see the whole plot, so they start setting up the structure, electronically. And there are other software tools, too. But for me, it’s Scrivener from start to finish! One scene...

Today's guest is Wayne Kelly I've been privileged to appear on his Joined Up Writing Podcast, talking about Scrivener and NaNoWriMo. Now, it's my turn to welcome Wayne to my world. How did you come across Scrivener in the first place? Back in 2012, I successfully completed Nano and received a discount code to purchase Scrivener. It was the first time I’d even heard of the software and I was immediately attracted to screenshots...