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Hooray! Literature & Latte released Scrivener 3 for Windows just over a month ago on 20 March 2021. PC users have been waiting for what seems like forever, and some have been brave enough to use the beta versions. Now, whatever version of Scrivener you've been using, it's time to upgrade and embrace all that Scrivener 3 has to offer. In this blog, I've collated Windows support that is available from Literature &...

The formatting bar offers quick access … The many options that affect the appearance of your manuscript onscreen and on the page are controlled through the formatting bar. In this post, I’m focusing first on formatting onscreen. However, the same strategy works when you are setting up the format for your section types within Compile, and that's covered too within this blog post. The formatting bar onscreen Your formatting bar which appears above the...

The ruler rules. OK? In Scrivener, you'll see several rulers. In the Scrivener / Preferences / Editing pane, in the Formatting tab In the Project / Project Settings pane, in the Formatting tab At the top of the Editing pane (if it's not hidden!) Within Compile, in the Section layout tab, for each of the section layouts Symbols on the rulers The symbols on all rulers have the same meanings. They reveal the...

Formatting is best done within Compile Within the Compile function, there is the option to set up different formats for different output streams - called project formats - and outputting to PDF or to .doc can both result in material on the printed page. However, I hear you ask: What about printing using File / Print Current Document? What about using File / Export / Files? Okay, so let's see what those options...

Formatting: know where to start! Literature & Latte provide options for you to control formatting at three levels: For all your projects For this project For this document Before you start using Scrivener (bit late, Anne!), or at least before you start a new project, it will save you time and frustration if you  think about what formatting you want. Even if you leave this decision-making until later, after you've written your...

Formidable formatting made fun! Formatting is one of the most misunderstood features of Scrivener. Second only to Compile! I often hear of writers switching to Word or Vellum, rather than use the tools in Scrivener. So this post explains the extent of formatting available. It's the first of a series and I hope this series will persuade you to stay in Scrivener - and then, also, to stay with Scrivener for compiling ...

How to protect your work from disaster Regardless of what software you are using, things can go wrong. Power supply interruption Software corruption Internet connection failure Software crash Computer crash User failure! Most of these are self-explanatory ...

  Opportunity always knocks when you're busy On 27 November 2020, I received an email, out of the blue, from the content manager of the WorldClassPerformer website, asking if I'd be willing to be interviewed and for the interview to be published on their website. Now, November is always a busy month. NaNoWriMo dominates and, by the 27th, I am tired and not at all ready for Christmas which is just around the...

Online courses are shiny things It's so easy to sign up for online courses. Many are free and your immediate reaction is: Why not? So, you sign up and do the first couple of classes. Then what? If you are anything like me, other (less shiny) things come along and you don't have time for the third class, and before you know it, time's up, or you forgot about the course completely. As...

Scrivener is not just for novel writing I use Scrivener for EVERYTHING, and especially for keeping track of my social media posts. Daily tips published on social media I publish a daily tip on the ScrivenerVirgin Facebook page and an editing tip in the RedPen Editing Facebook group. Like many of the uses I have for Scrivener, this challenge boils down to an information processing problem. This was my brief to myself: There are...